Department of
Applied Sciences
and Mechatronics

Laboratories Overview



Laboratory for technical / audiological acoustics and noise protection. An echo-poor sound measuring room is available.

Room: D6, D5a Phone: -3641


Analog Electronics

Laboratory for analog signal processing and data acquisition.

Room: D211 Phone: -3626

Analog Electronics

Applied Optics and Light and Technology

In the laboratory, the physical properties of radiation sources u. receivers examined. Students are familiarized with various methods of light measurement.

Room: A005 Phone: -1625, -3619

Optics and Light Technology
Lab of Applied Optics / Light Technology

Atomic Physics

Lab Class for atomic physics.

Room: G152, G153 Phone: -3652

Atomic Physics

Automation technology and Robotics

In our laboratory, we offer lectures, seminars and lab classes in automation technology for various study programs, in particular for the program Production and Automation and for the program Mechatronics / Precision Engineering.

Room: A15 Phone: -3611, -3612, -3613

Automation technology and Robotics


Interdisciplinary training laboratory for medical-related courses and lectures. It houses various subject areas that are relevant to medical-technical training.
Telefon: -3622, Raum: D 316


Biophysics and Nanoanalytics

Atomic Force Microscopy, Single Molecule Biophysics, Nanomechanics.

Room: C 201, C 202, D 401 Phone: -3671, -3673

Nanoanalytics and biophysics

CAD - Virtual product development

The lab for CAD and Virtual Product Development teaches key competences about the computer aided development of technical products.

Room: A202a, A202b Phone: -3617

CAD - Virtual product development

CAE / 3D Printing / Mobile Robotics

Product Development - Computer Aided Engineering - CAD Design - 3D Printing, Carbon Material - Embedded Systems - MATLAB - Research Projects - Internship - Bachelor and Master Theses.

Room: W017 (Lothstr. 21) Phone: -1134

CAE / 3D Printing / Mobile Robotics


Center for Applied Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine – CANTER.

Room: C200, D104 – D106b Phone: -3671


Chemistry - Inorganic and Organic Chemistry

Basic chemistry course in inorganic and organic chemistry.

Room: E402, E403, E404 (Dachauer Str. 98b) Phone:-4514, -4515, -4516

Inorganic and Organic Chemistry

Chemistry - Biochemistry Laboratory

The biochemistry laboratory is a biotechnology laboratory of safety level 1 (according to GenTV). Internships for biochemistry, protein chemistry and bioprocess engineering take place here.

Room: E504a (Dachauer Str. 98b) Phone: -4523

Biochemistry Laboratory

Chemistry - Physical chemistry

In the laboratory, students acquire specific knowledge about the properties and behavior of chemical substances and about the extraction of material data on the basis of independently conducted experiments.

Room: E508a, E508b (Dachauer Str. 98b) Phone: -4524, -4509

Physical chemistry

Chemistry - Technical Chemistry / Process Engineering

Test rigs: stirred tank (discount./account.), Stirred tank cascade, fluidized-bed granulator, reverse osmosis, rectification column, extraction column, absorption plant.

Room: E501b (Dachauer Str. 98b) Phone: -4519

Technical Chemistry / Process Engineering

Chemistry - Environmental Chemistry Laboratory

The Environmental Chemistry Laboratory carries out environmental analysis tests, such as the determination of inorganic carbon, BOD, COD, wastewater and soil.

Room: E502 (Dachauer Str. 98b) Phone: -4504

Environmental Chemistry Laboratory

Data technology and digital electronics

lab class microcontrollers, lab class embedded systems, elective courses Networks.

Room: D204, D205 Phone: -3629

Data technology and digital electronics

Digital Factory and Ergonomics

In the Digital Factory and Ergonomics Laboratory, students acquire knowledge in tools and methods of the Digital Factory as well as in topics of Safety and Ergonomics as well as applied research.

Room: C15 Phone: -3653

Digital Factory and Ergonomics

Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics

Basics Experiments in electrical engineering and applied electronics.

Room: D203 Phone: -1623, -3632

Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics

Energy and Environmental Technology

Lab Classes of various courses in the Bachelor's degree programs in Physical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and the Master of Micro- and Nanotechnology on Energy and Environmental Technology, Environmental Physics

Room: D103a Phone: -1675

Energy and Environmental Technology

Manufacturing Technology, Smart Manufacturing Lab

Machining manufacturing processes, forming manufacturing processes, punching-bending technology, additive manufacturing processes in the interactive -AM Experience Lab-..

Room: D014, D03, D04 Phone: -3639

Production technology, Manufacturing techniques
HM - Smart Manufacturing Lab

Solid State Physics

Investigation of the Structural, Optical and Magnetic / Electrical Properties of Solid Matter. Focus: Material Science Analysis and Characterization of Semiconductor Crystals and Nanostructures. Low temperatures.

Room: D208, D209 Phone: -3633, -3664

Solid State Physics

Industrial computer science

Laboratory for computer science education with text-oriented (C, C # and C ++) as well as graphical programming languages (LabView).

Room: C303 Phone: -3615

Industrial computer science

Instrumental analytics and environmental analysis

Instrumental procedures for the qualitative and quantitative substance identification down to the trace range.

Room: C16, C17 Phone: -3659, -3660

Instrumental analytics and environmental analysis

Design Engineering

Methods for the development and construction of products. Focus: Cost-effective design.

Room: A405 Phone: -3650

Design Engineering

Laser Center

Basic, applied, and industrial research in photonics and laser technology.

Room: C01, C02, C03, C04 Phone: -3661, -3663, -3665, -3676, -3677

Laser Center

Light and health

Psychophysiological measuring laboratory for the investigation of non-visual effects of light.

Room: D1.13, D3.04a Phone: -1638, -1660

Light and health

Physical Metrology

Laboratory focused on the fundamentals of physical metrology.

Room: D05 Phone: -3642

Physical Metrology

Microsystems Technology

Typical semiconductor processes, such as thin film production, optical lithography or etching technology are possible. In addition, work is taking place in the field of printed electronics.

Room: D206, D207 Phone: -3630, -3631

Microsystems Technology

Modeling and simulation

The Laboratory Modeling and Simulation (MoSiLab) is a research laboratory. Expertise consists in particular in material predictions with simulation, CFD simulations of reactive and multiphase flows, finite elements with material models.

Room: D304 Phone: -1662

Modeling and simulation

Multiphoton Imaging Lab

The research is based in biophotonics and is based on femtosecond lasers.

Tel: -3634 Room: D 114

Multiphoton Imaging Lab

Surface finishing and thin film technology

Modification of surfaces by coating and ablation.
Telefon: -3623 Raum: D 305

Oberflächen Dünnschichttechnik


The Photonics Laboratory develops and evaluates high precision optical fiber sensors that are especially adapted to the demands in medicine, industry and research.

Room: C01, C02, C100, C100a, C103, C104 Phone: -3656, -1655, -3654, -3655, -3662, -3667


Physics I and Didactics (Basics)

Physics Laboratory

Room: G0.40, G1.50, G1.51 Phone: -3670

Physics I and Didactics

Physics Laboratory

Deepening of the material of the lecture Physics and Technical Optics.

Room: D110, D114 Phone: -3634, -3637

Physics Laboratory

Protein Biochemistry / Cellular Microbiology

Microbial pathogenesis (Streptococcus pneumoniae) - Antigen identification and design (vaccination strategies) - Protein production and purification for Biotechnology / Pharma.

Room: C101, C102 Phone: -3657, -3658

Protein Biochemistry / Cellular Microbiology

Vision Lab

Ophthalmic Optics and Optometry Research and Care Center in collaboration with the Optometry (B.Sc.) degree program.

Room: A301 Phone: -3616, - 1637

Vision Lab

Sensor / Signal processing / Measurement technology

Lab classes for sensors and measuring technology. In addition, bachelor's theses on medical measurement technology and training for external cooperation partners will be carried out.

Room: D2, D3 Phone: -3643

Sensor / signal processing / measurement technology

Control Engineering

The targeted influencing of technical processes can be examined, designed and put into operation by way of example.

Room: D6, D7 Phone: -1679

Control Engineering
Control Engineering Lab

System Engineering and Product LifeCycle Management

Digital product development of mechatronic systems with regard to integration of all necessary information for the three different disciplines: mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and information technology.

Room: D4 Phone: -1638, -3625, -3678

Engineering Design

Technical optics

Basics of optics, optical devices, generation and application of laser radiation.

Room: C03, C04, D316, D317 Phone: -3621, -3622, -3623

Technical optics and coherent optics

Workshop of the department

Manufacture of components, fixtures and construction of test stands.

Room: D103 Phone: -3638

Workshop of the department

Materials Technology

The laboratory is equipped with modern examination methods and testing machines. Technology transfer is possible with the existing expertise and equipment as well as the processing of research projects.

Room: D08, D09, D010 Phone: -3646, -3647, -3648, -3649

Materials Technology