Technical Chemistry / Process Engineering
Lab classes in Technical Chemistry and Process Engineering for the Bachelor's degree programme in Chemical Engineering will be held.
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In the laboratory, the lab classes in Technical Chemistry and Process Engineering for the Bachelor's degree programme in Chemical Engineering will be held.
Room: E501b (Dachauer Str. 98b)
Phone: -4519

Test rigs: stirred tank (discount./account.), Stirred tank cascade, fluidized-bed granulator, reverse osmosis, rectification column, extraction column, absorption plant
- Internship Technical Chemistry: Currently the tests are offered fluidized bed granulation, agitated boiler cascade and agitator reactor
- Fluid bed granulation: In a fluidized bed reactor, sugar is coated with cocoa as a model process, e.g. for catalyst production on an inert carrier.
- Stir-fry boiler cascade: With five consecutively connected continuous stirring reactors, dwell time-sum curves and spectra are measured.
- Stirring reactor: Using the example of the saponification of ethyl acetate, a reaction kinetics 2nd order is investigated. Two discontinuous tests at different temperatures determine the reaction velocity constants and activation energy. A continuous trial determines sales.
- Practical Work thermal process technology: Currently, the tests are offered rectification and extraction.
- Rectification: With a rectification column (bell bottom and filler column combined) concentration distributions are determined at different return ratios. From this, the theoretical soil number and the soil efficiency are determined.
- Extraction column: The distribution of a transition component to two almost non-mixable phases is determined with a continuous extraction column. Depending on the stirring speed (disc stirrer) and the volume flows, the theoretical soil number and the soil efficiency are determined.