The close and reciprocal exchange between the department and the Munich University of Applied Sciences with stakeholders from business, politics, culture and society forms the basis of a modern knowledge society. This creates a knowledge base for social change and new value creation.

Just as a department has its core competencies in applied science and engineering, the networking of research, teaching and practice is of particular concern to us. For this reason, we are happy to intensively maintain contact with business and industry and strive for applied research and development in close cooperation with partners from the commercial sector. Our research focuses on projects that serve the education of our students.
As an industrial partner, you will find commitment to topics of the future, make contact with students and thus facilitate the recruitment of young talent for your company. With an offer for a joint project you also influence the education of the future engineers and thus continue to secure the educational location Germany. In addition, you can participate in current developments in applied research.

The Department of Applied Sciences and Mechatronics stands for a comprehensive range of courses and a wide range of expertise of the teachers. We are not only extremely versatile but also always interested in sustainable projects, professional exchange, practical input as well as networking and contacts in both directions.