Department of
Applied Sciences
and Mechatronics

Course of study

Our Bachelor programs

Ophthalmic Optics | Optometry

Vision is one of the most important of the human senses. This future-oriented course is gaining in importance due to the increasing life expectancy of the population.

Ophthalmic Optics | Optometry


Bioengineering is a highly application-oriented, interdisciplinary engineering program with a strong biological focus. It provides essential correlations to recognize the rapidly advancing technical development.


Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering is an interdisciplinary engineering study that provides hands-on natural and engineering science methods, focusing on chemical content with a focus on analytics and process engineering.

Chemical Engineering

Engineering Physics and Data Science

On the Engineering Physics and Data Science degree program, you will learn everything you need to work as a physics engineer or data scientist. Master the physics of the future and become an expert in technological innovation. The program is taught in English.

Engineering Physics and Data Science

Engineering Physics

Engineering Physics is the translation of physical knowledge into beneficial and environmentallyprocesses and products. With their knowledge, physics engineers are very well positioned to actively help shape climate protection.

Engineering Physics


Mechatronics covers many engineering and natural sciences such as mechanics, computer science, optics and electronics. An additional concentration in Apparatus Engineering and Medical Engineering are offered within the course of study.


Production and Automation

The globalization of the world market results in completely new framework conditions and challenges for the international design of production and logistics processes. The advancing industrial division of labor leads to constant changes in global production systems.

Production and Automation

Production and Automation (german-french)

The integrated engineering course is offered together with the partner university Ecole Polytechnique Fondation (EPF) in Sceaux near Paris. You will study in Munich and Paris. The consecutive master's program follows the German-French bachelor's program seamlessly.

Production and Automation (german / french)

Master's courses of Study

Biotechnology | Bioengineering

This course of study is taught in a cooperative degree program between the University of Applied Sciences in Munich and Weihenstephan-Triesdorf. It is focused on the interface between the natural sciences and engineering.



This course of study is unique because of the interdisciplinary instruction based on the interface between mechanical engineering, electronics, IT and optics. The field of mechatronics is one of the keys to the development of innovative and future oriented products and systems across many sectors.


Micro and Nanotechnology

Micro and Nanotechnology have expanded into nearly all aspects of modern life. This course of study transfers knowledge of creating, researching and applying the finest structures as systems.

Micro and Nanotechnology


Understanding and mastering the photon, the particle of light in all its forms is the focus of this course of study. Scientific progress has turned this discipline into a driver in innovation and economic development in a wide range of business and industrial applications.


Production and Automation - international

This course of study meshes with the German-French undergraduate course of study. Scientific and sector-specific topics are explored in depth, especially in the areas of production and process engineering as well as international logistic and supply chain management.

Production and Automation - international

Opportunities for a doctorate

Sie möchten nach Ihrem Master gerne noch eine Promotion anschließen?

Doing your doctorate at the department