Physical chemistry
In the laboratory, students acquire specific knowledge about the properties and behavior of chemical substances and about the extraction of material data on the basis of independently conducted experiments
Laboratory Homepage

In the laboratory, students acquire specific knowledge about the properties and behavior of chemical substances and about the extraction of material data on the basis of independently conducted experiments
Rooms: E508a, E508b (Dachauer Str. 98b)
Phone: -4524, -4509
Elaborated traineeship attempts:
- Combustion calorimetry
- Surface and interfacial tension
- Contact angle and adhesion energy determination
- Electrochemistry (conductivity measurements, pH measurements and buffer systems)
- Steam pressure of pure liquids and solutions
- Phase balances
- Dipole measurements
- Rheology
- Determination of molecular weight (cryoscopy)
- Reaction kinetics (cane sugar inversion, cycloaddition)
- Distribution balances
- Adsorption isotherms
- Raman spertroscopy on nanostructured carbon
- Raman microscopy of corrosion products
- Interfacial tension
- Rheology
- Electrochemistry