Laboratory for technical / audiological acoustics and noise protection. An echo-poor sound measuring room is available.

Laboratory for technical / audiological acoustics and noise protection.
An echo-poor sound measuring room is available.
Rooms: D6, D5a
Phone: -3641

- Ultrasound computer tomography
- Laser ultrasound
- Acusto-Optical modulator
- Phased Array ultrasonics
- Measuring for generates waves (Rayleigh waves, Lamb wave)
- COMSOL-Multiphysics for Simulation of sound waves in solids
- Acoustic camera
- Anti-sound system an DSP - Implementation
- Measurement of transfer matrices for acoustic components
- Thermoacoustics
- Design of passive and active vibration stylants
- Sound level meter in different versions
- Sound immission meters
- Systems for determining the reverberation time of rooms
- Systems for determining vibration
- Cadna(TM): Program system for modelling calculation of sound emissions
- Reinton audiometer
- Measurement of otoacoustic emissions
- Measurement of eardrum impedance and middle ear reflexes
- Measurement of acoustically evoked potentials

- Investigation of ultrasonic sensors based on optical fibers
-Non-destructive material testing using laser ultrasound
- Development of the antisonic system by means of a DSP card
- Multi-frequency impedance measurement on the eardrum
- Structure of a system for measuring amplitude/frequency modulation follow responses to the ear
- Construction of a sensor head for laser vibrometry on the human eardrum

- Menlo systems GmbH
- Siemens Corporate Technology
- MTU Aero Engines
- Bosch Corporate Research
- Bosch Termotechnology
- Müller BBM GmbH
- Chair for Non-Destructive Examination at the Technical University of Munich
- Chair of Audio Information Processing at the Technical University of Munich
- Acoustic Institute of Tongji University
- Rotorcomp Verdichter GmbH: Design and optimization of a test bench for sound power measurement of a screw compressor
- EADS Deutschland GmbH, Corporate Research Centre: Investigations into flow-related noise development
- ENT-Klinik of the TUM (Clinic on on the right of the Isar):
- Prototype development of a system for measuring middle ear impedance
- Institute for Bioanaloge Information Processing at the Technical University of Munich:
- Investigations to optimize stimuli for Cochlear Implant Carriers
- Studies on objective hearing threshold determination in CI carriers
- BMW: Acoustic examinations of moving cars
- Pari GmbH, Starnberg and Munich: Investigations into the sound development of inhalers
- Resmed, Munich: Sound level optimization of ventilation systems
- Fa. Pope: Acoustic Optimization of Fan Systems