Micro- and Nanotechnology (M.Sc.)

CHIPS of Europe

The course is part of the EU-funded project "CHIPS of Europe - Creating Higher Education-Industry Programs for the Semiconductor Industry of Europe".

CHIPS of Europe
  • a broad choice of modules and the possibility for an individual specialization,
  • German and English lectures,
  • very good options for an international exchange,
  • the opportunity to participate in a double degree program with the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique near Montreal in Canada,
  • many different laboratories.

  • Start: summer- and winter term possible (application - in German)
  • Degree: Master of Science (M. Sc.)
  • ASIIN accredited (since 2003)
  • full time (3 semesters) or part time (3 to 6 semesters)
  • possibility for subsequent PhD studies.

Study part time or full time
(by Christina Schindler)

  • semiconductor and electronics industry,
  • information technology,
  • aerospace,
  • automotive industry,
  • chemical industry,
  • biotechnology or pharmaceutical industry,
  • optics and laser technology,
  • research institutions.

  • Thin Film Technology
  • Solid State Physics
  • Instrumental Analytics and Environmental Analytics
  • Lasercenter
  • Microsystems Technology
  • Modelling and Simulation
  • Nanoanalytics and Biophysics
  • Nano Structures Technology
  • Surface Enhancement
  • Photonics
  • Material Siences

Industrial Advisory Board

The Master in Micro- and Nanotechnology is supported by an Industrial Advisory Board.