Prof. Dr. Christian M. Seidel

Fakultät 06
Raum: D 111
Adresse: 80335 München, Ferdinand-Miller-Platz
T +49 89 1265-1629
F +49 89 1265-1603
Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung
Mitglied im Leitungsgremium des Promotionszentrums für Materialien und Produktionstechnik - PZMP
- Fach- und Aufgabenbereiche
Additive Manufacturing
Additive Fertigung
Metal AM
Optimierung von Produkten und Prozessen
Prof. Seidel has been part of Munich University of Applied Sciences since September 2019 and is appointed for Manufacturing Technologies with a focus on Additive Manufacturing. Since 2021, he is in charge of the Smart Manufacturing Lab. Since March 2024, Professor Seidel serves as Deputy Head of the Bavarian PhD Center for Materials and Production Technology.
From 2014 to 2024, Prof. Christian Seidel was part of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Europe’s premier organization for applied research, holding roles such as Head of Additive Manufacturing Research (2018-2024), Head of Department and Director for Strategy and Institute Development at the Fraunhofer-Institute for Casting, Composite and Processing Technology IGCV. In 2023, he earned the Joerg Lenz Connection Point Award from ASTM F 42 Committee on Additive Manufacturing, the highest honor the committee awards. The same year, the Executive Board of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft awarded him a “Recognition of Excellence” for his research into multi-material additive manufacturing.
Christian Seidel is known for his expertise in Standardization for Additive Manufacturing. He was part of ISO from 2012 to 2023 and served as Chairman of ISO TC 261 "Additive Manufacturing" from 2019 to 2023. For his achievements in Standardization he has received 5 awards from German, Swiss and American Institutions. He is a member of the Bavarian Expert Committee for Additive Manufacturing and Head of the Advisory Board for the Rapid.Tech 3D congress. He has been a Member-at-Large of the ASTM Executive Committee F42 on Additive Manufacturing since 2020.
Christian Seidel holds a PhD in Powder Bed Fusion from the Technical University of Munich (TUM), where he also contributed as part of the Management Board at the Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management. His industry experience includes positions at Gebr. Heller Maschinenfabrik GmbH and MTU Aero Engines prior to joining Fraunhofer in 2014.
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